#500995-001 -
Product Manual: #LG5 Series Manhole Guard Retrieval System
- Revision 06 - Date: 01-09-2018
Page 18
6.2 - Inspection (continued)
3. Overhead Anchor Points:
Ensure that the two overhead anchor points swivel freely and that there is no binding in their range of motion.
Also, visually inspect the anchor lugs for any sign of deformation. The anchor lugs can elongate and stretch if
overloaded beyond the capacity of the system. Any Model #LG5 system exhibiting deformation in the anchor lugs
should be removed from service immediately.
4. Structure:
The entire product structure should be checked for cracks, dents, bends or breaks. If there are major dents or any
other structural damage, the unit should be removed from service and returned to the factory for repair.
• Pay special attention to weld locations: look for cracks or separation at the welds. Keep in mind the powder
coating can age and crack, this normal paint cracking can be confused with structural cracking. If there is any
uncertainty with regards to cracks, contact the Pelsue service department for assistance and/or recommenda
• Ensure that the upper and lower assemblies can be separated and folded as intended. Inability, or difficulty
in folding the structure as intended may be indicative of structural damage. If the unit fails to fold or stow as
intended remove the product from service and investigate further.
• Likewise, the rear locking bar should fold up and down easily, binding of the locking bar may also indicate a
structural deficiency. Also, the locking bar is a load-bearing component of the LG5 system. The locking bar
must be able to be fully lowered and locked into place for product compliance.