Seite 23
peiker acustic GmbH & Co. KG
, Max-Planck-Straße 32, D-61381 Friedrichsdorf, Amtsgericht Bad Homburg HRA 1897
phG: peiker Verwaltungs GmbH, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung: Andreas Peiker, Geschäftsführer: Stephan Graf von der Schulenburg, Amtsgericht Bad Homburg 1369
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Prof. Dr. Agilolf Lamperstorfer
Ein Unternehmen der peiker Firmengruppe
Windows 7 Driver Installation
Driver installation
The released 64-bit Windows 7 USB host driver package is Qualcomm’s HK11-NA430-7_1.00.22 or
higher revision, where 7_1.00.22 is the revision number.
Driver can be obtained from Qualcomm. Following the license conditions, peiker is not allowed to
distribute this driver.
Note: There could be certificates to be installed.
Available interfaces
The interfaces provided in Fig. 9 in Windows Device Manager will appear once
the USB driver is installed properly,
the USB cable connects EvalBoard and computer, and
the Evaluation Board is powered-up.
Figure 10 Interfaces provided by Evaluation Board for OS Windows 7
In following chapters provide some information on how these interfaces could be used.
AT Command interface and PPP Dial-up Modem connection
AT commands are used to control to some extent the modem. To send AT commands to the Modem such
tools as PuTTY or similar are used.
To setup PuTTY the virtual COM port can be read from Modem property information – right click in
Device Manager the Modem string and select “Properties”. The assigned virtual COM port is shown in
“Modem” dialog box, see in Figure 11 – Port COM7.