Push the
button and
, is displayed with the
buttons set the reset time that allows the system to restart automatically after being
stopped for the fourth consecutive time by the dry running motor alarm;
Push the
button and
(0) NO (1) YES ?: 1
, pushbuttons set on (0) to stop auto-
matic restart after that the system was stopped for the fourth concecutive time by the dry
running alarm or set on (1) for endless cyclical restart;
the drytek dry running protection system enables restart according to the pro-
gramming time set an resets the restarting cycels each time that the system
detects the presence of water for more than 10sec.
Push the
button and wait until the display shows (after the screen sequence described
on page 8:
230v 0.0A 1.0@
Man ( ) Aut (*)
the EVOLuTION panel is ready for use.
Load enabling and disabling (without alarms) of the load is performed by clo-
sing or opening the contact/input normally open G/P (input).
Load enabling is indicated not only by the visualizations on the display but
also by the green light that lights up