using the mouse directly via the EQ handles. Click and hold the left mouse button on the square colored handle
(one color for one filter) and move the mouse up/down to change the gain and Left/Right to change the frequen-
cy. The graph also shows the value of the Hp/Lp Filter and the 31 Graphic EQ filter.
–31 GEQ FILTER: a 31 band Graphic EQ is also available. To edit of view the GEQ:
- Enable/Disable the GEQ by engaging the ON/OFF button in the Graphic EQ section.
- Press the View button to display the GEQ values in the EQ Graph.
- Press the Edit button to open the GEQ window to edit the 31 GEQ bands. In this window, the user can also edit
the 8 PEQ bands, as well as the HP/LP Filter.
1. Graphic EQ section
2. Parametric EQ section, same filter used on the Main frame.
3. HP/LP sections, same filter used on the Main frame.
GEQ EDIT Section