Destroy Single CAN Frame
Destroy Single Frame
area refers to the next CAN frame that is recognized
by the plug-in card after activation.
1. Enter the
Bit Position
where in the CAN frame the error is to be generated. The bit
position must start after the identifier. The count includes the stuff bits.
2. Execute the destroy action with
Do it
The next received or transmitted CAN frame will be destroyed
at the selected bit position.
Destroy Multiple CAN Frames
1. Enter the
of the CAN frame that is intended to be destroyed multiple
times. The following specifications refer to this ID.
2. Enter the
Bit Position
where in the CAN frame the error is to be generated. The bit
position must start after the identifier. The count includes the stuff bits.
3. If CAN messages are to be sent unharmed before being destroyed, specify the
Number of Frames to ignore
4. Determine the
Number of Frames to destroy
5. Confirm the entries with
to activate the error generator.
6. Stop destroying further CAN frames with
5 CAN Monitor PCAN-View
User Manual 2.0.0
© 2022 PEAK-System Technik GmbH