When a PCB signal conditioner with any of the
following indicators are used, tum the power on and
observe the voltmeter ( or LED's) on the front panel.
Output voltage moves from YELLOW to GREEN
slowly until charging is complete. AC coupled signal
conditioners require sufficient time to charge the
internal coupling capacitor. Allow signal conditioner to
charge for approximately 5 discharge time constants for
stable operation
Note :
Most PCB force sensors have an output bias of 8-
14 VDC. Refer to the specification sheet with this
manual for the bias range of the model you are using. If
you are using a low bias sensor, the indicator will be at
the bottom end of the green portion of the dial indicator,
and may even be in the red portion. This is the expected
The sensor connector must be kept clean, especially if it
is operating in a dusty and
or wet environment. Because
the force sensor is of welded construction
it should be
returned to the factory for servicing in the event of
serious malfunction
Observe the following precautions in using the sensor:
Do not exceed the maximum load
for the
force sensor (see specification sheet)
Do not subject the sensor to temperatures exceeding
that of the specification, normally 250°F (121°C).
Do not apply voltage to the sensor without current-
diodes or other current protection.
Do not apply more than 20 mA of current to the
force sensor.
When mounting the force sensor, observe
installation procedures detailed in Section 3
0 and as
outlined on the specific sensor installation/outline
drawing to avoid overtorquing when mounting.
Do not apply more than 30 volts to the sensor.
Avoid metal-to-metal impacts during applications,
which can produce high frequency ringing.
Electrical low-pass filtering or a damping material
can help reduce such effects.
Do not spin the sensor onto the cable. This may
fatigue the cable pins, causing cable damage.
Always insert the cable pin into the sensor and
tighten the knurled cable nut to the sensor.
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