Getting Started
A t t a c h i n g t h e P r i n t e r ’ s S t r a p a n d B u t t o n
The printer is shipped with the strap and mounting button
already attached. With the button attached to the printer,
you can order the optional belt clip (120296) and wear
the printer clipped to your belt.
To attach the elastic strap and button to the printer:
Remove the handheld. (This step is optional.)
Turn over the printer.
Using the grommet provided, secure the strap into the
attaching hole.
Thread the strap through the slot and secure the
strap at the VELCRO tab. Make sure the strap is
adjusted to fit your hand.
Using the self-tapping Phillips screw provided, secure
the button to the strap grommet. The screw threads
itself while you tighten it.
Make sure the button is securely
fastened to the printer.
Do not
over tighten the screw. You
may strip the threads.
Phillips screw