Supply Position
Adjusts the machine to print at the vertical 0,0
point on the supply. Increase the supply
position to move print up, decrease to move
print down on the label. The range is -300 to
300 dots.
The supply position adjustment should only
be made on inital printer setup. For format
adjustments, change the print position.
Print Position
Adjusts where data prints vertically on the
supply. Increase the print position to move
print up, decrease to move print down. The
range is -99 to 99 dots.
Margin Position
Adjusts where data prints horizontally on the
supply. Increase the margin position to move
print to the right, decrease to move print to
the left. The range is -99 to 99 dots.
P r i n t i n g t h e E u r o - D o l l a r S y m b o l
You can print the Euro-Dollar symbol (
) online by using tilde 192
) in your batch data packet.
Your System Administrator can
also select the Euro-Dollar symbol by sending the Monetary
Formatting Packet (packet D). See Appendix B, "Using Advanced
Features," for more information about the Monetary Formatting
E n t e r i n g C a r e S y m b o l s a n d S p e c i a l C h a r a c t e r s
When using special characters in your batch data file, type a tilde
in front of the three-digit code. For example, if you want to include
character in a text field using Font 70, type: ~054. You
only need to enter the character code if you are manually creating
a format. If you are using PCMate software, the characters are
already available and there is no need to enter the character code.