3 • Configuring the Matrix Switch for operation
Model 6511RC User Manual
Completing the installation
Verify that the green WAN LED is illuminated, indicating that the Model 6511RCSTM-1 port is acti-
vated, is synchronized with the SDH network, and operating normally.
If the Matrix Switch does not behave as described, the most likely
cause is that the Matrix Switch SDH parameters values for the STM-
1 link do not match those of the connected SDH network. To resolve
this problem, double check the parameters on the Matrix Switch
SDH Configuration page against those of the Connected SDH net-
work, and correct any incorrect values.
There are three LEDs that indicate status for the Matrix Switch Ethernet subsystem. For information
about interpreting the three Ethernet status LEDs, see
table 3
on page 27.
Your Matrix Switch is now installed. If you require further information about configuring
your Matrix Switch settings, refer to the
Model 6511RC Matrix Switch Administrator’s Reference Guide
online at
For information on activating and de-activating your Model 6511RC
Matrix Switch, refer to chapter 4,
“Operation and shutdown”
page 79