Frequently Asked Questions
Can I convert my grill from LPG to NG?
No, your gas grill is manufactured to exact
specifications and is certified for Liquid Propane (LPG)
o r Na t u r al G as (N G ) us e on l y. F or yo ur sa f et y,
conversion ki t s are not avai l able. Any att em pt t o
c o n v e r t y o u r g r i l l w i l l v o i d y o u r w a r r a n t y.
The Hose and Regulator supplied with my
grill does not fit the older LPG tank I've used for years.
U.S. Government regulates gas appliances
and LP gas tanks. W hen regulations are changed the
LP gas tank fittings are altered to insure compliance.
I f y o u r L P g as t an k d o es n o t f i t t h e H o s e an d
Regulator suppli ed wi th your new gril l, the t ank is
outdated and must be replaced.
Effective April
1, 2002 all LP gas tanks sold must include an OPD
O verfl ow Prot ect i on Devi ce. Thi s i nt ernal devi ce
prevents the LP gas tank from being overfilled. Tanks
without an OPD valve can not be refilled.
Are the serial and model numbers of my grill
listed somewhere for future reference?
The model and serial numbers are listed on
a Sil ver Label placed on t he Control Panel bott om
right-hand side. If your grill features a Side Burner, it
wi ll have it s own si lver label and a model number
ending i n SB. Thi s i s not t he pri m ary gri l l model
number or serial number needed for Product Warranty
Regi st r at i on or f or Cust om er Suppo rt purpo ses.
My grill does not light properly. Why?
Always light the Burner farthest from the fuel source
first. This draws gas across the Manifold helping prevent air
pockets which obstruct gas flow. Also check these causes:
Sometimes I hear a humming sound
coming from my Regulator. What causes this?
The humming sound is gas flowing through
the Regulator. A low volume of sound is normal and will
not interfere with the operation of your grill. If the
humming sound is loud and excessive you need to purge
air from the gas line or reset the Regulator excess gas
flow device as described above.
How and when do I clean the interior
cooking components of my grill?
Cooking Grids:
Before initial use and as needed, wipe
Grids with a clean cloth and apply a thin coating of
cooking oil. For stubborn food residue use a degreaser
and fiber or brass cleaning brush.
Flame Tamers:
To reduce the chance of flare-ups,
Flame Tamers should be cleaned whenever food
o r g r ea s e d r i p p i n g s a c c u m u l a t e. B r u s h o f f
Fl am e Tam ers wit h a fiber t ype brush and turn
over t o al l ow t he burner hea t t o burn o f f any
stuborn food residue. The Flame Tamers
work equally well on either side.
Grease Tray, Receptacle and Heat Shield:
To reduce the chance of fire, the Grease Draining
Tray, Grease Receptacle and Heat Shield should
be inspected before each grill use. Remove grease
(a plast ic spatula works wel l) and wash Grease
Tray and Receptacle with a mild soap and warm
water solution.
What causes a stainless steel to discolor?
Weathering and high heat can cause a
stainless steel grill Lid to turn tan in color. This is not to
be confused with rust and is not a product defect.
Machine oils used in the manufacturing process of
stainless steel, cooking oils and a dirty grill Lid can
also encourage discoloration if the Lid is not cleaned
prior to grill use. After your grill is assembled, remove
the protective PVC film from the grill Lid and use a
Stainless Steel Cleaner and soft cloth to remove
residual adhesive and oils from the inside and outside
of your grill Lid. Never use abrasive cleaners or
scrubbers. Routine cleaning to remove dirt, grease and
oils will help discourage Lid discoloration.
Turn all Control Knobs to the OFF position.
Turn off the LP gas tank valve.
Disconnect Regulator from LP gas tank.
Let unit stand for 5 minutes.
Reconnect Regulator to the LP gas tank.
Open Grill Lid or Side Burner Lid. Turn the
tank valve on slowly until 1/4 to 1/2 open.
Light the Burner farthest from fuel source by
turning its Control Knob to IGN then pushing
in the Control Knob. To light the Side Burner
push its Control Knob in and turn to HIGH.
My grill has a low flame and sometimes
will not light.
You need to purge air from the gas line or reset
the Regulator excess gas flow device. Opening the tank
valve all the way or too quickly triggers the Regulators
safety device to shut down gas flow which prevents
excessive gas flow to your grill. Lighting the Burner
farthest from the fuel source every time will help eliminate
air pockets in the Manifold. Perform this procedure every
time a new LP tank is connected to grill:
Check LP gas supply. An empty LP gas tank weights
about 20 pounds. A full tank weighs about 40 pounds.
Check to i nsure all gas connections are secure.
Th e I g ni t i on A A ba t t ery m ay n eed repl ac i n g.
Ignition wires may be loose. Remove the battery, inspect
the Ignitor Junction Box found behind the Control Panel
and connect any loose wires.
Spark Electrode Tips may need repositioning. Refer to
the electrode Check
procedures found on page 15.
C h ec k t h a t t h e en d o f eac h B u rn er Tu b e i s
proper l y l ocat ed over each G as Val ve O r i fi ce.
There may be an obstruction in the gas line. To correct
this, remove LP gas Hose and Regulator or Natural Gas
fuel line from your grill. Do not smoke! Open gas supply
for one second to clear any obstruction from fuel line.
Close off gas supply at source and reconnect fuel line to
your grill.
If an obstruction is suspected in the Orifice or Gas
Val ves, cal l t he Cust om er Servi ce Helpl ine, at
What causes grill parts to rust and what
fect does it have on the grill materials.
Rusting is a natural oxidation process and may
appear on cast-iron and steel parts. Rust will not affect short
term performance of your grill. Stainless steel grill
not rust. However, weathering and extreme heat can cause
a stainless steel Lid to turn tan color. This is discoloration
an d i s n ot c onsi dered a m an uf ac t u ri ng d ef ec t .