Keep outdoor cooking gas appliance area clear
and free from comustible materials, gasoline and
other flammable vapors and liquids.
A s w i t h a l l a p p l i a n c e s , p r o p e r c a r e a n d
maint enance wil l keep your grill i n top operating
conditi on and prolong its life. By following these
cleaning procedures on a timely basis, your grill will
stay clean and work properly with minimum effort.
Cleaning The Cooking Grids
Before initial use and as needed,wipe your Grids
with a clean cloth
and apply a thin coating of
cooking oil. For stubborn food residue use a
degreaser and fiber or brass cleaning brush.
Cleaning The Grease Tray and Receptacle
To reduce the chance of fire, the Grease Draining
Tray, Grease Receptacle and Heat Shield should be
inspect ed before each gril l use. Rem ove grease
(a plastic spatula works well) and wash Grease Tray
and Receptacle with a mild soap and warm water
Cleaning the Flame Tamers
To reduce the chance of flare-ups, Flame Tamers
should be cleaned whenever food or grease drip-
pings accumulate. Brush off Flame Tamers with a
fiber type brush and turn over to allow the burner
heat to burn off any stuborn food resi due. The
Cera m i c Fl am e Ta m ers wo rk equ al l y w el l on
either side. Do not immerse in water.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Annual Cleaning of The Grill Interior
Use a fiber or brass cl eaning brush to cl ean t he
interior Grill Bowl, Cooking Grids, Flame Tamers and
grease containers. On porcelain finished parts never
use a wire brush or metal scraper which can scratch
or chip the porcelain finish and promote rusti ng.
Check eachSpark Electrode, adjusting as needed.
The space between the Spark Electrode Tip and Spark
R ec ei ver s ho u l d b e a pp ro xi m at el y 3 / 1 6" .
Replace the Burners and adjust the gas collector
box. The edge of t he collect or box shoul d be
overlapping the Burner Port.
Replace Flame Tamers and the Cooking Grids.
Reconnect the gas source and observe the Burner
flame for correct operation.
Be sure your grill is OFF and cool before cleaning.
1. Turn all Control Knobs to the full OFF position.
2. Turn the LP gas Tank Valve to the full OFF position.
3. Detach the LP gas Regulator assembly from your gas
grill or disconnect the Quick Disconnect Hose from the
gas source.
4. Remove and clean the Flame Tamers, Cooking
Grids, and Grill Burners.
Exterior Stainless Steel Surfaces:
Weathering and high heat can cause a stainless
steel grill Lid to turn tan in color. This is not to be
conf used with r ust and i s not a product def ect.
Machine oils used in the manufacturing process of
stainless steel as well as cooking oils and a dirty
grill Lid can also encourage discoloration if the Lid
is not cleaned prior to grill use.
1. Shut off gas supply at source and disconnect
fuel line from Gas Valve Manifold. Protect fuel
line fitting.
2. Use a Stainless Steel Cleaner and soft cloth to
remove residual adhesive and oils from the in
side and out si de of your gri ll Li d. Never use
abrasive cleaners or scrubbers. In addition to
the initial cleaning, routine cleaning to remove
dirt, grease and oils will help discourage Lid dis
Cover each gas Valve Orifice with aluminum foil.
Brush the inside and bottom of the grill with a
brass wire brush or fiber cleaning pad, and wash
with a mild soap and warm water solution. Rinse
thoroughly and let dry.
Remove aluminum foil from Orifices and check
each Orifice for obstruction.
Grill Information Center:
If you have questions about assembly or grill operation, or if there are damaged
or missing parts when you unpack this unit from the shipping boxes, call us 8:00am - 5:00 pm EST, Monday
through Friday at:
1- 800-667-7313