The DMX8008 can work as a stand alone unit [Stand Alone Mode], where up to 6 preset can be recalled by directly selecting
them through the 6 “preset” buttons available on the front panel, or an work as completely remotely controlled unit [Remote
Control Mode].
As soon as is turned ON the device will indicate the current Firmware version
and then will load the currently selected preset.
During the Preset Loading, the LCD screen will show the following:
Here the unit is just checking if Presets are available on the Eeprom.
If not, the “Init” phase can last several seconds, and the Eeprom of the unit is initialized in order to guest later on the presets will
be created by the user through the Pc Remote Control Sw.
If Presets are already available, then the “init” phase will be skipped and the currently selected preset will be loaded.
The preset loading can take approximately 14Seconds and will end with showing on the LCD the currently running preset's
DMX 8008
Firmware version V1.x
Please Wait.....
Loading new program.....
01: Program default
01: Current Preset Name