4 Data recording
Recording a set of manually sampled data
SPARK into manual sampling mode
In manual sampling mode, a single value from each measurement is recorded each time you
manually trigger SPARK. A series of values is recorded in a data set. Complete these steps to
start a data set, trigger points to be recorded, and close the data set:
1. Optionally, turn to a page in your SPARKlab where you will be able to see your data in a
table. You can record data with any type of display visible (or no display at all), but it is
typical to record manually sampled data while looking at a table.
2. Touch the Start button.
SPARK creates a new data set. Live data appear in the data displays.
3. When you are ready to record a data point, touch the Keep button.
You can press one of the record buttons instead of touching the on-screen Keep button.
SPARK records a single value from each measurement.
4. Repeat the previous step as many times as necessary to record all of the data that you
want in the data set.
5. When the entire set has been recorded, touch the Stop button.
The data set closes.
Repeat these steps to record another data set.