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Flat pH Probe




Preparation of the Electrode for Initial Use

1. Remove the storage bottle from the electrode and 

thoroughly rinse the electrode with distilled water. 

Wipe carefully with a clean lab wipe.

2. During shipment, air bubbles may have migrated 

into the electrode sensing bulb. Hold the electrode 

up to the light and inspect the sensing bulb for air 

bubbles. If air is seen, carefully shake the electrode 

downward (like a thermometer) to dispel the air 

bubble from the sensing bulb at the tip of the 


Software Help

See the SPARKvue Help or PASCO Capstone Help for 

information about collecting, displaying, and analyzing 


In SPARKvue, select the HELP button in any screen 

including the Home Screen.

In PASCO Capstone, select PASCO Capstone Help 

from the Help menu, or press F1.

Standardizing the Electrode

1. Connect your pH electrode to the input connector on 

the Wireless pH Sensor (or other pH measuring 

device). Ensure that the electrode connection is 


2. Start the PASCO data collection software if you are 

using a PASCO sensor. Connect the sensor to your 

computing device (e.g., computer or tablet).

3. Start recording data. Place the electrode into a 

beaker containing pH 7.00 buffer and a stir bar. Stir 

at a moderate speed.

4. When the reading is stable, set the calibration value 

in the software to match the value of the pH 7.00 

buffer at the temperature in the laboratory. 

5. Remove the electrode from the buffer. Rinse with 

distilled water and blot with a lab wipe.

6. Place the electrode in a beaker containing pH 4.01 

buffer and a stir bar. Stir as before. When the 

reading is stable, set the calibration value in the soft


ware to match the value of the 4.01 buffer at the 

temperature in the laboratory.

Reading a Sample with the Electrode

1. Rinse the electrode with distilled water and blot with 

a lab wipe. Place the electrode in a beaker 

containing the sample and a stir bar. The sam-ple 

should be at the same temperature as the buffers 

used to standard-ize the electrode. Stir as before. 

Record the pH when the reading is sta-ble.

2. Remove the electrode from the sample, rinse the 

electrode with distilled water over the "waste" 

beaker. Blot the electrode dry with a lab wipe. The 

electrode is now ready to read the pH of other 


Storing the Electrode

Short Term

Between measurements, store the pH electrode in a 

beaker containing pH 4.01 buffer.

Long Term

When storing for longer periods, store the pH electrode 

in the storage bottle which came with the electrode. 

Ensure that the foam in the storage bottle is totally 

wetted with pH storage solution to keep a wet 

environment around the pH bulb and junction. Maintain 

the wet environment in the storage bottle boot during 


Electrode Cleaning

Do not use strong solvents (e.g. acetone, carbon 

tetrachloride, etc.) to clean the pH electrode. Be sure to 

recalibrate the electrode after cleaning.

1. If the electrode has become coated with oil or 

grease, carefully wash the electrode under warm tap 

water using dish-washing detergent. Rinse 

thoroughly with fresh tap water followed by a rinse 

with distilled water. Soak the electrode in pH 

electrode storage solution for 30 minutes after this 

cleaning procedure. Recalibrate the electrode 

before use.

2. If the electrode has been exposed to protein or 

similar materials, soak in acidic pepsin for 5 

minutes. Rinse thoroughly with distilled water. Soak 

in storage solution for 30 minutes prior to 


3. If the previous cleaning procedures fail to restore 

response, soak the electrode in 0.1 N HCI for 30 

minutes. Rinse thoroughly with distilled water. 

Recalibrate before use.
