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Included Equipment


 Micro USB cable

For connecting the sensor to a USB charger to charge the
battery or a USB port to transmit data.

Required Equipment

PASCO Capstone or SPARKvue software is required for data


The //code.Node is an input-output device that supports coding
activities to help teach how sensors work and how code can be
used to create and control a response (output) to a stimulus
(input). The //code.Node is an introductory device for STEM-
oriented programming activities performed using PASCO
software applications. The device contains five sensors and two
momentary push buttons that act as inputs, as well as three
output signals, enabling students to program how the device
collects and responds to data.

The //code.Node can sense relative light brightness, relative
sound loudness, temperature, acceleration, tilt angle, and
magnetic field. These input sensors are included to help
teaching coding concepts and highlight how collected data can
be analyzed and programmed to create unique outputs involving
its speaker, LED light source, and 5 x 5 LED array. The
//code.Node outputs are not exclusive for use only with its
inputs; the outputs can be used in code involving any PASCO
sensors and interfaces.

NOTE: All //code.Node sensors used in a given
experiment will take measurements at the same
sample rate specified in PASCO Capstone or
SPARKvue. It is not possible to set separate
sample rates for different sensors on the same
//code.Node in a single experiment.

The //code.Node sensors are meant to be used for coding
purposes and should not be considered a replacement for
science sensors in labs that use similar sensor measurements.
Sensors built to more rigorous specifications for use in science
experiments are available at




 Magnetic Field Sensor

 Acceleration and Tilt Sensor

 Light Sensor

 Ambient Temperature Sensor

 Sound Sensor

 Button 1 and Button 2


 Red-Green-Blue (RGB) LED


 5 x 5 LED Array

Product Guide | 012-16658B

