B7 / B15 Kits
Getting Started with the User Interface
Connect to your bot:
Using a WiFi enabled device, find the “bartendro” WiFi network by
looking for it in your settings and connect to it.
Once connected (up to ~30 sec the first time) you will need to go to
a web browser, such as Chrome, and type in any web addess. You will
automatically be redirected to the Bartendro user interface (UI).
The main menu may or may not have drinks populated. To tell the
bot which ingredients are present, you will need to log into the admin
screen. You may do this by either searching for the hidden link at the
bottom left corner of the main menu, or typing bartendro/admin in
the address bar of your browser.
When prompted use the default:
Name: bartendro
Password: boozemeup
Note: Your login name and password can be modified by changing a file on
the Raspberry Pi. Instructions on page 7.
Once connected to Bartendro you will have access to the following:
Admin - Dispensers:
Controls ingredient selection for each dispenser
from a drop down menu. Ingredients come from the “booze” tab.
Choose wisely, your drink options depend on it! Note that taking
manual control comes with responsibility. The “clean” button will
indescriminitely dispense all of your booze if pressed by accident and
you will be a sad panda. Each dispenser can indivudially be toggled on
and off by using the “turn on”/”turn off” buttons and small incre
ments can be dispensed using the “dispense 10mL” button (helpful
when priming). The “liquid levels” button forces a check of liquid
levels, but this only works if the feature is enabled. See page 7.
Admin - Drinks:
Displays the drink list and allows you to make your
own custom recipes. Select “add booze” and pick from the list of
ingredients. The minimum number of parts is 1 and parts should be
whole numbers, or will otherwise be rounded. All fields are required.
Make sure to press save for your drink to be stored.