3. Flush the fresh water through the cooling passage for about 15 minutes. Turn off the water and
remove the water pipe connector.
4. Install the water pipe connector onto the water pipe plug after flushing. Tighten the nut.
Do not leave the water pipe connector loose on the bottom cowling water pipe plug or let the
pipe hang free during normal operation. Water will leak out of the connector instead of cooling
the engine, which can cause serious overheating. Be sure the connector is tightened securely
on the pipe plug after flushing the engine.
5. Actions in emergency
5.1 Impact damage
If the outboard motor hits an object in the water, follow the procedure below:
1. Stop the engine immediately.
2. Inspect the control system and all components for damage.
3. Whether damage is found or not, return to the nearest harbor slowly and carefully.