Sorting out the laundry
Follow the wash code symbols on each garment label and the manufacturer’s washing instructions. Sort the
laundry as follows: whites, coloureds, synthetics, delicates, woollens.
Before loading the laundry
Do not wash whites and coloured together to avoid colour stains on the white garments.
Button up pillowcases, close zip fasteners, hooks and poppers. Tie any belts or long tapes.
Treat persistent stains before washing.
Rub particularly soiled areas with a special detergent.
Treat curtains with special care. Remove hooks or tie them up in a bag or net.
Quantity of detergent to be used:
The type and quantity of detergent will depend on the type of fabric,load size,degree
of soiling and hardness of the water used.
Follow the product manufactures’ instructions on quantities to use.
Use less detergent if:
you are washing a small load
the laundry is lightly soiled
large amounts of foam form during washing.
do not use acetone on artificial silk.
Degrees of water hardness
Water hardness is classified in so-called «degrees» of hardness. Information on hardness of the water
in your area can be obtained from the relevant water supply company, or from your local authority. If
the water hardness degree is medium or high we suggest you use a water softener, following the
manufactures instructions.
When the degree of hardness is soft, re-adjust the quantity of the detergent.
NOTE: Use only detergents specifically designed for front loading washing machines.