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8 UK

  Switching on the device

Press the ON/OFF switch 


 into setting “I”.


 The device will not start its working action 

until it is in contact with the material.

  Switching off the device

Press the ON/OFF switch 


 into setting “0”.

  Preselecting the speed

The wheel 


 allows you control of the speed over 

the full range available.

Setting 1    = 

 slowest speed, e.g. for detailed 
or precise tasks

Setting MAX. = 

 fastest speed, for removing 
material quickly


The optimum speed depends on the material 

and the surface to be worked. It is best determined 
by a short practical test. Always begin by using the 
slowest speed setting. If you fi nd that you are not 
removing enough material, increase the speed by 
one setting.

  Advice on use



Always pull out the mains plug from 

the socket:

when you are no longer using the device

when taking a break from your work

before changing the tool attachment

before cleaning the device




Keep other people out of your work-

ing area.

   Always hold the workpiece fi rmly with both 

hands (see Fig. B) and always work away from 
your body.

   Guide the switched on device slowly with 

the tool attachment up to the material to be 
worked or surface to be stripped. The device 
will not begin its working action until it makes 

contact with the material to be worked. This 
allows you to position the tool exactly.

   Begin at the fl attest possible angle and lightest 


   Note that if you press on to backgrounds like 

tiles, wood or plaster too hard you could dam-
age them. 

   The device and the tool attachment heat up 

if used for long periods. Do not overload the 
device and let it cool between sessions.

  Resharpening tool attachments

Your tools must be sharp to achieve the best 
results. You should therefore resharpen or regrind 
them at the right time.
There are two ways of sharpening your tools:

1.   with a bench grinder 

(e.g. Parkside PDS 200):

   Rotate the electric scraper/carver with an 

inserted tool attachment through 180°. 



Do not switch on the electric 


   Make sure that no blue colour (annealed 

colour) appears on the cutting edge during 
resharpening, otherwise the hardness can be 
adversely affected. 

2.   with a belt sander 

(e.g. Parkside PEBS 900):

   Mount the belt sander in a suitable stationary 

holding device.

   Rotate the electric scraper/carver with an 

inserted tool attachment through 180°. 



Do not switch on the electric 


   Pay attention to the direction of motion of the 

belt sander when resharpening.

First Use

Manual_UK_Inhalt.indd   8

Manual_UK_Inhalt.indd   8

30.06.2005   10:26:59 Uhr

30.06.2005   10:26:59 Uhr
