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PDNB 6.3 B2

Hazards caused by dust and vapours


The dust and vapours produced by using nibblers 
and shears can be hazardous to health (e .g . 
cause cancer, birth defects, asthma and/or der-
matitis) . It is essential to carry out a risk assess-
ment in respect of these risks and to implement 
corresponding regulatory mechanisms .


The risk assessment should include all dust 
caused by the use of the machine and the  
existing dust that may be kicked up at the  
same time .


The nibbler or shears should be operated and 
maintained in accordance with the recommen-
dations contained in this manual to keep the 
release of dust and vapours to a minimum .


The exhaust air should be routed so that the 
raising of dust in already dusty environments is 
kept to a minimum .


If dusts or vapours are created, the main priority 
must be to control these at the site of their re-
lease .


All inserts or accessories of the machine intended 
for collecting, extracting or suppressing airborne 
dust or vapours or should be used and serviced 
in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruc-
tions .


Consumables/machine tools should be selected, 
maintained and replaced in accordance with 
the recommendations in this guide in order to 
avoid unnecessary intensification of dust or  
vapour production .


Use breathing equipment as per the instructions 
provided by your employer or as required by 
health and safety regulations .

Risks due to noise


Excessive noise levels in conjunction with insuffi-
cient hearing protection may lead to permanent 
hearing damage, hearing loss and other prob-
lems, such as tinnitus (ringing, buzzing, whistling 
or humming in your ears) . It is essential that a 
risk assessment is carried out with respect to 
these risks and that appropriate regulatory 
mechanisms are implemented .


Suitable regulatory mechanisms include meas-
ures such as the use of insulation materials to 
avoid ringing noise occurring on the workpieces .


Use ear protection equipment as per the instruc-
tions provided by your employer or as required 
by health and safety regulations .


The nibbler or shears should be operated and 
maintained in accordance with the recommen-
dations contained in these instructions in order 
to avoid any unnecessary increase of the noise 
level .


If the machine is equipped with a silencer, al-
ways ensure that it is fitted and is operational 
while the machine is in operation .


Consumables/machine tools should be select-
ed, maintained and replaced in accordance 
with the recommendations in this guide in order 
to avoid unnecessary increase of the noise  
levels .

Hazards caused by vibrations


Vibrations can damage the nerves and cause 
malfunctions to the blood circulation in the 
hands and arms .


When working in a cold environment, wear 
warm clothing and keep your hands warm and 
dry .

Summary of Contents for 339133 1910

Page 1: ...ROEDORA DE CHAPA NEUM TICA Traducci n del manual de instrucciones original AIR NIBBLER Translation of the original instructions RODITRICE AD ARIA COMPRESSA Traduzione delle istruzioni d uso originali...

Page 2: ...que contiene las im genes y en seguida familiar cese con todas las funciones del dispositivo Prima di leggere aprire la pagina con le immagini e prendere confidenza con le diverse funzioni dell appare...

Page 3: ......

Page 4: ...gar de trabajo 4 Peligros por el polvo y los vapores 5 Peligros por el ruido 5 Peligros por las vibraciones 5 Indicaciones de seguridad adicionales para las m quinas neum ticas 6 Riesgos residuales 6...

Page 5: ...uso antes de poner en funcionamiento el aparato Utilice una m scara de protecci n antipolvo Durante el uso o el mantenimiento del aparato utilice siempre protecci n ocular Utilice siempre proteccione...

Page 6: ...rselas al usuario No utilice nunca punzonadoras o cizallas da adas Las m quinas deben revisarse regularmente para comprobar que sigan contando con las indicaciones de los valores medidos y con el etiq...

Page 7: inc modas o aquellas en las que sea dif cil mante ner el equilibrio En los trabajos prolongados el usuario debe cambiar de postura para evitar molestias y cansancio Si el usuario nota s ntomas como...

Page 8: ...raci n de polvo o vapores Utilice equipos de protecci n respiratoria seg n lo indicado por su empleador o de acuerdo con lo dispuesto por las normas de seguridad y salud laboral Peligros por el ruido...

Page 9: ...onexiones giratorias universales acoplamientos de garras deben instalarse pernos de retenci n asimismo deben utilizarse fijaciones Whipcheck en los tubos para prote ger la conexi n entre el tubo y la...

Page 10: ...lusivamente aire comprimido filtra do lubricado y regulado Conecte el aparato a un compresor para ello conecte la boquilla de conexi n 1 al tubo de suministro de la fuente de alimentaci n de aire comp...

Page 11: de protecci n y guantes de protecci n Debe garantizarse que la lubricaci n de aceite sea suficiente y est siempre en perfecto estado ya que es vital para el funcionamiento ptimo del aparato Utilice...

Page 12: ...o dentro del plazo de tres a os Si el defecto est cubierto por nuestra garant a le devolveremos el producto reparado o le suministra remos uno nuevo La reparaci n o sustituci n del producto no supone...

Page 13: ...partamento de asistencia t cnica especificado a continuaci n por tel fono o por correo electr nico Podr enviar el producto calificado como de fectuoso junto con el justificante de compra comprobante d...

Page 14: ...n lo dispuesto por las siguientes normas documentos normativos y directivas CE Directiva relativa a las m quinas 2006 42 EC Normas armonizadas aplicadas EN ISO 11148 11 2011 Denominaci n de la m quina...

Page 15: ...12 ES PDNB 6 3 B2...

Page 16: ...da accessori 16 Pericoli sul posto di lavoro 16 Pericoli per la presenza di polvere e vapori 17 Pericoli derivanti dal rumore 17 Pericoli dovuti alle vibrazioni 17 Indicazioni aggiuntive sulla sicurez...

Page 17: ...le istruzioni per l uso Indossare una mascherina antipolvere Durante l uso o la manutenzione dell apparecchio indossare sempre occhiali protettivi Indossare sempre una protezione per l udito Indossar...

Page 18: ...consegnarle all utente dell appa recchio Non usare mai roditrici o cesoie danneggiate Le macchine devono essere sottoposte regolar mente a ispezione per verificare che presentino in modo ben leggibile...

Page 19: ...che per evitare disagi e fatica Qualora l operatore accusasse sintomi quali per es malessere persistente o ripetuto dolori pal pitazioni formicolio intorpidimento bruciore o rigidit non deve ignorarli...

Page 20: ...espiratorie secondo le istruzioni del datore di lavoro o le norme di sicurezza sul lavoro o di tutela della salute Pericoli derivanti dal rumore L esposizione a un livello di rumore elevato in presenz...

Page 21: ...a fredda dalle mani In caso di impiego di giunti rotanti universali giunti a griffe necessario inserire perni di arresto e utilizzare protezioni di sicurezza anti frusta Whipcheck per offrire protezio...

Page 22: ad un compressore unendo il nipplo di raccordo 1 al tubo flessibile di alimentazione della sorgente di aria com pressa ATTENZIONE indispensabile assicurarsi che il tubo flessibile per aria compress...

Page 23: ...i protettivi La lubrificazione sufficiente e costante di importanza decisiva per un funzionamento ottimale Utilizzare solo pezzi di ricambio o di sostituzione originali del produttore altrimenti potre...

Page 24: si evidenziato Se il vizio rientra nell ambito della nostra garanzia il Suo prodotto verr riparato o sostituito da uno nuovo Con la riparazione o la sostituzione del prodotto non decorre un nuovo p...

Page 25: il reparto assistenza clienti qui di seguito indicato telefonicamente o via e mail Una volta che il prodotto stato registrato come difettoso lo pu poi spedire a nostro cari co provvedendo ad allega...

Page 26: presente che questo prodotto conforme alle seguenti norme documenti normativi e Direttive CE Direttiva macchine 2006 42 EC Norme armonizzate utilizzate EN ISO 11148 11 2011 Denominazione della mac...

Page 27: ...24 IT MT PDNB 6 3 B2...

Page 28: ...s caused by accessories 28 Hazards in the workplace 28 Hazards caused by dust and vapours 29 Risks due to noise 29 Hazards caused by vibrations 29 Additional safety instructions for pneumatic machines...

Page 29: ...estic use only Symbols on the tool WARNING Read the operating instructions before use Wear a dust mask Always wear eye protection when using or maintaining the tool Always wear ear muffs Always wear p...

Page 30: ...ety instructions hand them to the operator Never use damaged nibblers or shears Machinery must be inspected regularly to en sure that it is marked with the clearly legible de sign values and markings...

Page 31: ...ting tasks This can be helpful in the prevention of discom fort and fatigue If the operator notices symptoms such as persis tent or recurring illness discomfort throbbing pain tingling burning or stif...

Page 32: ...quipment as per the instructions provided by your employer or as required by health and safety regulations Risks due to noise Excessive noise levels in conjunction with insuffi cient hearing protectio...

Page 33: ...d away from the hands If universal rotary joints claw couplings are used locking pins must be inserted and Whip check hose restraints must be used to provide protection in the event of failure of the...

Page 34: ...compressor by attaching the connector nipple 1 to the supply hose of the compressed air source ATTENTION Ensure that the compressed air hose is firmly attached A loose hose can thrash about un contro...

Page 35: ...sly intact oil lubrication is highly important for optimum functioning Use only the genuine replacement parts recom mended by the manufacturer otherwise you could put users at risk In doubt contact th...

Page 36: ...s The warranty period is not prolonged by repairs effected under the warranty This also applies to replaced and repaired components Any damage and defects present at the time of purchase must be repor...

Page 37: ...rating instructions by enter ing the item number IAN 123456 Service Service Great Britain Tel 0800 404 7657 E Mail kompernass lidl co uk Service Malta Tel 80062230 E Mail kompernass lidl com mt IAN 33...

Page 38: ...Gef hrdungen durch Zubeh rteile 38 Gef hrdungen am Arbeitsplatz 38 Gef hrdungen durch Staub und D mpfe 39 Gef hrdungen durch L rm 39 Gef hrdungen durch Schwingungen 39 Zus tzliche Sicherheitsanweisung...

Page 39: ...r den privaten Einsatz bestimmt Symbole auf dem Ger t WARNING Vor der Inbetriebnahme die Bedienungsanleitung lesen Tragen Sie ein Staubschutzmaske Tragen Sie beim Einsatz od er Wartung des Ger tes ste...

Page 40: ...und Scheren ver wenden Die Maschinen m ssen regelm ig einer Ins pektion unterzogen werden um zu berpr fen dass die Maschine mit den in diesem Teil der ISO 11148 geforderten deutlich lesbaren Be messu...

Page 41: ...rperhaltungen oder solche bei denen es schwierig ist das Gleichgewicht zu halten vermeiden Die Bedie nungsperson sollte im Verlauf von lang andau ernden Arbeiten die K rperhaltung ver ndern was hilfr...

Page 42: ...lungen dieser Anleitung entsprechend auszuw hlen zu warten und zu ersetzen um eine unn tige Intensivierung der Staub oder Dampfentwicklung zu vermeiden Verwenden Sie Atemschutzausr stungen nach den An...

Page 43: von den H nden fortzuleiten Falls Universal Drehkupplungen Klauenkupp lungen verwendet werden m ssen Arretierstifte eingesetzt werden und verwenden Sie Whipcheck Schlauchsicherungen um Schutz f r...

Page 44: ...chlussnippel 1 mit dem Versorgungsschlauch der Druckluftquelle ver binden ACHTUNG Achten Sie unbedingt auf den festen Sitz des Druckluftschlauches Ein gel ster und unkon trolliert umherschlagender Sch...

Page 45: ...d Schutzhandschuhe zu tragen ist Eine ausreichende und st ndig intakte l schmierung ist f r eine optimale Funktion von ganz entscheidender Bedeutung Benutzen Sie nur Originalersatz bzw Aus tauschteile...

Page 46: ...ngelanspr che Die Garantiezeit wird durch die Gew hrleistung nicht verl ngert Dies gilt auch f r ersetzte und reparierte Teile Eventuell schon beim Kauf vor handene Sch den und M ngel m ssen sofort n...

Page 47: ...ail kompernass lidl de Service sterreich Tel 0820 201 222 0 15 EUR Min E Mail kompernass lidl at Service Schweiz Tel 0842 665566 0 08 CHF Min Mobilfunk max 0 40 CHF Min E Mail kompernass lidl ch IAN 3...

Page 48: ...S GMBH BURGSTRASSE 21 44867 BOCHUM GERMANY www kompernass com Estado de las informaciones Versione delle informazioni Last Information Update Stand der Informationen 04 2020 Ident No PDNB6 3B2 042020...
