USB Data Link Adapter
Software Tools for the USB-DLA
Clicking the Settings button will display a second dialog box, which allows the user
to limit the serial ports that the VAPI Server uses. This is useful on a Bluetooth
enabled laptop which may have up to 15 virtual COM ports. The Maximum Baud
Rate setting reduces the connection speed. Older laptops, and laptops with multiple
applications running in the background may have difficulty maintaining a
connection at 115200.
Figure 14: VAPI settings window
Multiple client connections
The VAPIserver program allows multiple applications to be simultaneously
connected to the DLA. This is shown in the Status window as two active clients
connected to the DLA.
Therefore, you can run
(two applications mentioned
earlier) at the same time. This can be useful in testing a third device such as a
transmission or ABS controller. However, it can also cause some confusion in that
you may see data appear on SimGauges before you've hooked it up to the vehicle.
This is valid as SimEngine is instructing the DLA to broadcast messages, which are
then received by the DLA. In order to reduce traffic going to the DLA, the VAPI
Server will transfer this data locally between applications.
RP1210 Chooser
RP1210 was intended to reduce the number of DLA hardware devices. However, one
DLA may be USB, another wireless and another the original Vansco Electronics
parallel version. The application will not know the difference, as all will present a
standard RP1210 API. In order to select which API for the application to use,
provisions for using multiple DLAs with the same laptop have been included in the
RP1210 specification. Some applications will recognize this and present the user
with a choice of available APIs. Parker Vansco applications will use the first API on
the list. In order to make sure the DLA uses the correct API the installer includes a
small PC application called RP1210 Chooser.