CONSTANT RATE Mode: Constant Rate/
Pressure Filtration.
In this mode the selected pump rate (
filtration feed rate
) is maintained throughout
the filtration process. The FilterTec Plus can then switch to a user selected
constant filtration
setting is chosen in the Alarm Enable: Hi-Pressure submenu to
cause this to occur. First select the
pump tube size
(#13, 14, 16, 25, 17, 15, 24, or 35) (Note:
the use of #18 is not recommended), and then select the
pump rate
in terms of ml/min, then set
the Hi-pressure Limit to the desired constant pressure. The FilterTec Plus feed rate can be re-
calibrated by the utilizing the front panel star (
) key. (If you have changed the motor sub-
assembly from the factory installed one, select the correct RPM of your new motor in SETUP:
PUMP: Motor RPM submenu. (The choices are 8, 160 or 600-RPM.)
keys to make a selection, then press,
to implement that
Pump Tubing:
Select sizes #13, 14, 16, 25, 17, 15, 24, or #35, using
for choice of pump tubing size, then press
Based upon
the FilterTec Plus
accesses factory installed calibration curves, which relate the pump output in ml/min. to pump
motor speed.
Response F:
Response Factor setting. The Pump Response Factor = 100 is the default value.
Decreasing this Pump Response Factor will decrease the pumps responsiveness to pressure
Clear Cumul:
Resets (Clears) the following counters in the system: CV = Cumulative Volume;
RT = Run Time; Q1 = Filtrate Weight.
Pressure Zero:
Allows you to zero the filter backpressure reading for all 3 SciPres Disposable
pressure sensors, P1, P2 and P3.
The FilterTec Plus must not be running when resetting
pressure sensor output, and the sensor must be plugged in.
Do not use the SPAN key
unless instructed to do so by Parker Customer Service. This is used to calibrate the pressure
sensor output, and requires additional hardware.
Alarm Enable:
Allows you to select alarm options for several alarm conditions. Four options are
available: 1.
(Disable the Alarm)
Alarm Only
(Enable an auditory alarm)
Pump Stop
(Stop the pump and provide an auditory alarm); or 4.
which switches the FilterTec
Plus from Rate Control to Pressure Control at a user-defined limit and maintains that pressure
by adjusting the system’s motor speed.
PMAINTAIN only exists as an option for the Hi-Pressure Alarm.
Alarm Limits:
Used to assign alarm limits for several alarm conditions:
Cumulative Volume
in milliliters;
in ml/min;
in degrees Celsius;
Run Time
in Hours: Minutes;
(monitor system leakage)
in psi;
(filter backpressure) in psi;
Filtrate Weight
in grams. (This alarm must
be enabled in order to obtain and display
the Filtrate Weight (Q1), and several values
calculated from it.)