XPR2/XPC2 PowerStation Series Hardware User Guide
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Using the BIOS Utility
This section discusses how to use the BIOS utility on the PowerStation. There are three instances in which you
may need to use the BIOS utility program:
1. You wish to configure the serial port IRQ and base addresses.
2. You have an external device attached to the USB port such as an external USB drive, floppy drive,
CD drive or hard drive and you wish to configure the boot order.
3. You would like to change the operation of the splash screen during boot.
Using the BIOS Utility
Entering Setup
Before changing any of the BIOS settings, shut down the system and connect a keyboard to the
1. Turn on the PowerStation.
2. Press
while the system splash screen displays to enter the BIOS setup utility.
When the BIOS utility is displayed, press a corresponding letter key or use the arrow keys to navigate
through the menu. The following options are available:
Motherboard Device Configuration
Allows configuration of serial port IRQ and addresses.
Miscellaneous Configuration
Allows you to display a splash screen and/or a summary screen. The timeout field sets the time for
how long the screen is displayed. The time is in milliseconds and goes from 0 to 65535. Enter a
timeout interval and press the Enter/Return key.
Boot Order
Identifies the order in which devices are sequentially checked for a bootable image. The options
are: Floppy Disk, Hard Drive, CD-ROM Drive and USB Floppy Disk. Use the arrow keys to select
the order number and then press
to cycle through the options.
Load Defaults
Loads the default BIOS settings.
Save Values Without Exit
Saves the current BIOS settings without exiting the utility.
Exit Without Save
Exits the BIOS utility without saving any changes made.
Save Values and Exit
Exits the BIOS utility after saving any changes made.