Catalogue HY29-0037-M1/UK
Overall Hydraulic Motors, Fixed
M5AS - M5ASF Denison Vane Motors
Parker Hannifin SAS
VPDE, Denison Vane Motors
Vierzon - France
Table of contents
1 . STArT uP inSTrucTionS & recoMMenDATionS
1 . 1 . General, start up & check up .................................... 3
1 . 2 . Shaft & coupling data ............................................... 5
1 . 3 . Specific points ..................................................... 6 - 7
1 . 4 . Fluids ........................................................................ 7
1 . 5 . Seals .......................................................................... 7
2 . MoTor & cArTriDge exPloDeD ViewS ....................................................................................................................... 8
3 . conVerSionS
3 . 1 . Disassembly / Assembly .................................... 9 to 19
3 . 1 . a Changing cartridge ..................................... 9 to 11
3 . 1 . b Changing displacement (cam ring) .................... 12
3 . 1 . c Changing shaft .......................................... 13 to 14
3 . 1 . d Assembly .................................................. 15 to 18
3 . 2 . Changing rotation ........................................... 19 to 23
3 . 3 . Changing porting orientation ......................... 24 to 26
3 . 4 . Valves ............................................................ 27 to 28
4 . key SHeeT
4 . 1 . Key sheet ................................................................. 29
4 . 2 . Porting tables ........................................................... 30
4 . 3 . Tightening torque requirements ............................... 30
5 . SPeciAl ToolS
5 . 1 . Seal driver - Dimensions......................................... 31
6 . couPlingS
6 . 1 . Female coupling dimensions ................................... 31
7 . TroubleSHooTing guiDe ................................................................................................................................... 32 to 33
noTeS ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
wArning .................................................................................................................................................................................. 35