Parker EME
Compax3 device description
192-120102 N7 - February 2004
Sample circuit example of Compax3 devices with fieldbus
Sample circuit for the following Compax3 devices:
Compax3 I20 T11
Compax3 I20 T11
2 Compax3 devices
1 Emergency Power-off module (BH5928.47)
1 safety door monitor (BD5985N)
Note: With safety door monitor BD5985N, the safety door must be opened and
closed again every time after turning on the 24 V power supply so that the
Emergency power-off module can be acknowledged and reset. To avoid this,
safety door monitors with an additional simulation entry can also be used.
3 relays (K1, ... K3
1 Emergency power-off switch
Hazardous area accessible via a safety door with safety door switch S1 and S2
1 button (S3)