Park Scale Models Boeing 314 Assembly Manual Download Page 53





























































































































































































Summary of Contents for Boeing 314

Page 1: ...Pa As rk S Bo ssem Sca oei mb ale M ng ly M Mo 314 Man ode 4 nua ls al...

Page 2: ...ak re marked ou e blocking BN re marked ou onson blocki e a right and re marked ou l cone blocki e a right and Bl utlines stack N1 BN4 toget utlines stack ng BF1 BF3 left set utlines stack ng BT1 BN3...

Page 3: ...S6 CA to glue B the other sid e the ba ddle baseplate gn BS2 BS3 a own DO NOT in position d BS6 with B 1 together and BS2 BS6 toge de lsa BS1 to t e SB1 nd BS4 with t T GLUE to BS BS4 and SB1 remove c...

Page 4: ...1 2 3 Fit ribs SR2 Fit SR1 SR4 Fit and glue SR1 SR4 to s S SR3 to spar 4 to SS1 trailing edge par Sp SS1 e ST1 to ribs pon SR1 SR4 Glu ns e on ns...

Page 5: ...ush wit arbon rods a epoxy to the ding edge SL then sheet t th 3 32 2mm e doubler SL2 d sand to shap R1 SR4 r ST2 to both gths of the s nd insert into ert two 2 o agnets into th th the outsid and rare...

Page 6: Fit and glue It is recomm sponsons at nson blocking Fit and glue n as shown blocking g to shape the blocking mended to fill this point from Step 2 e BF4 BF6 to n DO NOT to the spons sand and w to t...

Page 7: ...lue r Turn over an sharp blade fiber rods S VS1 VS5 toge ribs VR2 VR1 nd glue ribs to clear the s V Sta ether as show 1 in place as s VR1 VR11 in slots in VS1 f Ver ab wn shown n place Use for the car...

Page 8: ...glue V Fit and glue and BV2 x2 aligned with place 1 16 1 5mm VL1 in place a VT1 in place vertical st to VR1 as sh the leading balsa doubl as shown tabilizer base own Ensure edge VL1 be ers in place a...

Page 9: rim the strips es and then tu de of the rudd RL1 RL3 in pla leading edge it and glue th both sides of o shape tape edge eading edge t 1 8 3mm dr hrough It is r locking at this ing 3 32 2m using the...

Page 10: ...recut slots in VB2 as guides to cut the hinge slots in the vertical stabilizer 13 Using the supplied 1 16 ply template mark and cut a pocket in the outside face of the vertical stabilizer for the supp...

Page 11: ...e the elev H S levator by g se EB1 You w iling edge do vator over a e doubler ET1 vator leading Ho Sta luing ribs ER will need to ubler ET1 to nd glue ribs 1 to the othe edge EL1 in p oriz ab R2 ER8 t...

Page 12: ...ER9 in place a g edge doub to ensure th ou will need t des of the ele mounting the hape You w edge of the e ply XXX and S as shown as shown bler EL2 in pla hat EL2 is pro to glue some evator betwe co...

Page 13: ...nd Fit and glue XXX as show y on to 1 8 b y seated and HS2 HS5 to sp e slot spar HS2 tog 4 Ensure ribs glue in place balsa bloc n balsa spar HS then glue tog par HS1 HR2 gether and th s are fully sea...

Page 14: ...f Fit and glue H Fit and glue H Fit and glue H to spar SR2 a s shown and fully seated a HR7 to HL7 an HL1 to HR1 HL2 to HR3 H as shown Fit then fit HS6 t and then glue nd SR2 as sho HR2 as show HR7 as...

Page 15: ...sleeve f gh ribs HR1 H nd HS1 for is recommen servo to pr drilled for the HL3 HL4 and HL6 x2 to t the assembly for 1 32 Sul HR5 It will be the cable sl nded to temp operly locate e cable sleeve HL5 to...

Page 16: ...s of orizontal sta from HR7 and ding edges to the bottom tabilizer with for the rudde e some block h the blockin ow the sup f 1 8 carbon bilizer as sho d glue to HR1 o match the c m center se h 1 16 b...

Page 17: ...iling edge Sheet the to balsa on bolt for p HR6 as show est of the sta h the sheet ace The cab from the rib p of the horiz proper alignm wn abilizer botto ing and epo ble sleeve sh HR6 and zontal stab...

Page 18: ...T2 to the t HT2 is prope lsa sheeting es of the hor 1 8 balsa to tabilizer and s trailing edge rly aligned flush with th rizontal stabi o the leading sand to shape HT1 use hin he leading an ilizer Cut...

Page 19: ...recommende nt to F3 and F F3 and F4 to o the orienta side of BB1 t ed to the side the second B Fu ion by buildin ether former ed to glue som F4 as shown BB1 as show ation of BB1 that has the w with t...

Page 20: ...togethe shown Fit and glu between the F2 to BB1 as s the 1 8 ply SRV is per er F6 and th ue the F5 F e 1 8 ply fuse shown plate SRV to rpendicular hen fit and g 6 assembly elage doubler o F5 as shown...

Page 21: F7 and th ublers as show e the two fu the fuselage e as shown er formers F9 and F10 to th formers F9 a ge side Dry f en fit and gl wn uselage sides e doubler ass 9 F10 and F1 he fuselage s and F10...

Page 22: ...F8 in second fusel Fit and glue t FF1 betwee the fuselage s er former F1 side Ensure e place as show age side is in the second fu en F10 and F side 2 and then f F12 is perpen wn Glue in p place usela...

Page 23: ...Do not get the excess C diately to help ery tray asse o F5 and fitti nsure all part selage sides to to the fusela of the magnet s in the spo commended ore gluing in the supplied e fuselage wh with alc...

Page 24: ...nd e F1 in plac o slightly da p it bend inwa e balsa as ne sides to F10 tting the woo tighten a nut uts as a guide g plates to SB bolts togeth ce as shown mpen the o ard ecessary to b F11 and F12 od t...

Page 25: ...two of the 1 retaining plat sand the fac sts on the pla ll out the nut is unobstru hole in SB2 bling the hor x2 to SB2 as s SB3 as shown 8 ply nut re tes as shown ce of the nuts te t retaining pla uct...

Page 26: ...ll holes in blocking whe formers F15 a SB1 to the ass the balsa BS1 as shown prior to gluin n the bals ere marked in and F16 to th sembly as sho a horizontal Mark the lo ng in place a horizontal n the...

Page 27: ...shown Fit and glue k gths of the su Insert the t ing sure they and then glu formers F13 the keel K3 keel K2 to for upplied 5 32 tubes into the y are slightly e into place F16 to the 3 to formers rmers...

Page 28: ...plates at fuselage is st formers former F12A evator pushro evator pushro ottom rear o ting may be t the end of traight before in place wher od sleeves od sleeves of the fuselag e cut to sha f the manu...

Page 29: ...S9 inwa he bottom of and the bott of sandpap eting and sa ngle of the bo ottom of the ay be cut to s f the manual blocking B pe 1A to K2 and he fuselage rd gluing it f S9 to achiev om sheeting per bet...

Page 30: ...rips to former hine strips m e at the end o bottom of th ay be cut to s f the manual yers of scrap 1 o match the ts labeled K1 F7 Fit and r and then g dampen the t bend it IF ne the angles of m 3 32 b...

Page 31: ...gluing e and formers X6 in place op of the fuse emplate at th sheeting for balsa Glue y be cut to sh he manual ea with some of the fuselag u purchased g planking st s F12 F16 fi elage wing ar he end...

Page 32: place F12A to back op of the fu y be cut to sh he manual p rear of the hased the p ing strip XXX X XXX first rizontal stabil e end of the d F9A Sand t ontour of the of former F1 uselage with hape u...

Page 33: ...igned the s Fit and glue formers F1 Glue the nos ar of the fuse g to F16 of the 6m ure the polar same e the batter F5 as shown se blocking to elage flat and mm magnets rity of the m y hatch long F1 d...

Page 34: ...h shown Glue to the holes he magnets a hes the pola h longeron FH ry hatch fram to hold it in p ormers BF2 NOT glue yet ock hatch base fra e six 6 of t in BL2 Ens re all aligned rity of the m H1 me t...

Page 35: ...hown DO For the cock BL7 as shown Dry fit BF8 to BL6 to the fo n Dry fit BF1 ormers BF9 O NOT glue ye kpit roof asse n o the cockpit rmer BF6 and to BL4 BF12 to the et embly fit an roof assembl d the...

Page 36: axpaper or p hatch and t ven gap betw When you ar geron BL4 an e thick CA to t he battery ha ue the batt roof assembl o BL4 and BL6 BF12 to the atch assemb to the fuse n place It is r polyethelene...

Page 37: ...the pre cut p HP1 to the ongeron BL4 in place It f the battery BL8 to the ba wn p of the cock balsa bloc it as shown e battery h planking st battery hatc 4 first Then is recommen hatch at the s attery...

Page 38: ...16 Fill in this are BL8 flush wit ea with some th the hatch f e scrap balsa b former BF12 blocking Sand...

Page 39: ...of the WS1 WS2 r the wing sp ck edge and g is perpendi e a 1 8 squ ottom front from the roo slot W ng the bottom Use a long st ndicated by r ption to buil elow or to f wings together to f par on top o...

Page 40: t Ribs R14 ate SA1 as s ar to the plate tighten a nut Fit and glue g cover to R1 ence ribs R1 R18 4 R15 to th are balsa or f the spar Yo lsa to raise t l be flush wit nger should the wing rib R R15...

Page 41: ...s to the leadin a 1 8 squar ches along t uld run from g rib R15 as s 1 16 balsa 4 from the aight edge to ore gluing it to TE2 to ribs R1 r edge TE1 to e spar Fit an e leading edg R1 R18 Fit ng edge sp...

Page 42: ...and from R1 R11 upplied 13 3 R5 as show then glue the ttom of the he wing ribs nd leading ed he sheeting a and ribs R7 he end of th glue it to the 1 as shown 32 brass tu wn Ensure the e tubing to rib...

Page 43: the 1 8 ply to N eed to build so it is recom me and NO4 to N e fit tightly to NO1 to NO2 e the firewal outer motor NO3 as show a right and mmended to NO3 and NO5 gether and th NO4 and NO l doubler...

Page 44: ...wn ructing the 1 8 ply to N eed to build so it is recom me nd NI4 to NI3 t tightly toge NI1 to NI2 N e the firewa inner motor NI3 as shown a right and mmended to 3 and NI5 En ether and th I4 and NI5 a...

Page 45: ...pplied 13 3 R5 and hown Ensure e the tubing t upplied 1 8 c and through t shown Ensur ue to ribs R1 orts to ribs an se reinforcem motor suppor t glue yet En p 32 brass tu through the e the tube is to...

Page 46: ...the leadin e to shape top of the w y be cut to sh he manual the 1 16 b of the ailero R15 cap strips fro bottom of an ept for the ti wing from the balsa Trim LE1 Glue so ng edge Trim wing from R hape u...

Page 47: ...the in the outer mo the longeron nt as shown fit it to the lo utboard mot NIL1 to the NOL1 to the ay trailing ed the hinge sl correctly nner motor s otor support n NIL2 x2 t n Slide the ongeron NIL2 o...

Page 48: ...nt and NOL3 own Glue th or mount NIF3B NI e Fit and glu he outer nace NIF1 on the d NOF1 on to n as shown NIF3A to the NOF3A NO he bottom o 3 to the out he formers to F4B to the b ue NOF3B lle e inner...

Page 49: ...LI4 to the he left wing NLI1 to the t nacelle of t l use NRI1 an ng the outbo to the inboar wing For th pre cut plank celle by fitti of the inner ng you will us nacelles usi alsa or you plates at the...

Page 50: ...entific planking flu Fit and glue o the outer ing out Next e and NOB1 r must be faci wl blocking to cut and glu elle blocking outboard sid For the right he top and elle of the left RO1 and NRO e holes...

Page 51: ...s to cowl fo the polarity same and tha the nacelle T e that has the cowl longeron cowl formers 1 as shown C ormers CF4I y of the ma at they are a The magnets M e part identific n CL1 to cowl CFI4 and...

Page 52: ...e outside fa he sheeting to owl sheeting ert the cow shown cowl f n the cowl f g joints Ensu n all the way CF2 s CF2 to the c es of the 1 1 ace of the cow o glue the end is still damp wl framing in fo...

Page 53: ...n erly inserted ximately 6 re gluing the cowl sheetin shown When glue the co the balsa r CF2 as show the cowl fra 6mm Set th cowl framin ng is flush w n satisfied w owl framing a cowl blocki wn Sand C...
