8.
9.
10.
11.
Glue
togethe
fuselage
dou
Fit
and
glue
shown.
Fit
and
glue
fuselage
side
Glue
togethe
formers
F9
a
Ensure
that
to
the
fusela
er
F7
and
th
ublers
as
show
e
the
two
fu
the
fuselage
e
as
shown.
er
formers
F9
and
F10
to
th
formers
F9
a
ge
side.
Dry
f
en
fit
and
gl
wn.
uselage
sides
e
doubler
ass
9,
F10
and
F1
he
fuselage
s
and
F10
are
fit
F11
to
the
lue
to
the
pl
s
together
a
sembly
to
th
1.
Fit
and
glu
side
as
shown
perpendicula
fuselage
side
ly
as
he
e
n.
ar
e.