20.
21.
22.
23.
Fit
and
glue
necessary
to
balsa
to
help
Dampen
the
the
fuselage
to
avoid
split
Temporarily
holes
in
SB2.
Using
the
nu
nut
retaining
the
nuts
and
e
F1
in
plac
o
slightly
da
p
it
bend
inwa
e
balsa
as
ne
sides
to
F10,
tting
the
woo
tighten
a
nut
uts
as
a
guide
g
plates
to
bolts
togeth
ce
as
shown
mpen
the
o
ard.
ecessary
to
b
,
F11
and
F12
od.
t
and
bolt
to
e,
glue
two
o
B2.
Be
carefu
er.
n.
It
may
b
outside
of
th
bend
and
glu
2.
Work
slowl
the
two
inne
of
the
1/8”
pl
ul
to
glu
be
he
ue
ly
er
ly
e