Chemical disinfection
To ensure safety when handling chemicals, observe the in-
structions for use for the disinfectant.
The method has been validated in Europe using:
– Aldehyde-containing disinfectant: Bode Korsolex
(concentration: 4%)
Active agent basis: Aldehyde donor, aldehyde
– Drinking water at about 15 °C
– Application time: 30 minutes
Risk of infection due to growth of bacteria
Inadequate disinfection encourages the growth of bacteria
and thus increases the risk of infection.
• Observe the specified mixing proportions and the spe-
cified treatment time.
• Ensure that all components are completely submerged in
the solution for the whole of the treatment time. There
must not be any air pockets or bubbles.
• Disinfect the individual parts with a solution prepared ac-
cording to the manufacturer’s instructions.
If the recommended application period is exceeded signi-
ficantly, the plastic parts may take on the smell of the me-
dium used.
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