2.1 Components
The rechargeable battery is an accessory for type 047 com-
pressors. It is supplied without a charging adapter.
2.2 Intended purpose
The rechargeable battery is intended to ensure that a regular
voltage supply is delivered to PARI type 047 compressors.
2.3 Explanation of the LEDs on the
rechargeable battery
The LEDs on the battery indicate its charge level when
charging as follows:
Charging process display
(goes out when rechargeable battery is fully charged)
Charge level 75 % and higher
Charge level 50 % to 74 %
Charge level 25 % to 49 %
The LEDs indicate the battery capacity during operation as
Battery capacity 75 % to 100 %
Battery capacity 50 % to 74 %
Battery capacity 25 % to 49 %
The LED flashes when the battery capacity falls
below 25 %. When this happens, the remaining
runtime is approx. 10 minutes, i.e. the battery must
be recharged soon.
If all four LEDs are flashing, there is a fault in the rechargeable
battery [see: TROUBLESHOOTING, page 26].
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