Technical manual-C190CubetapePRO
In a string value called “WedgeMask,” you can provision this value either:
Within a .cab Setup project specifying this registry key
Using a Registry Editor application on the device or remotely from a desktop PC
From your own application code using the Registry API or .NETCF RegistryKey class
4.6.6 Operating Notes
Quickstart instructions to pair with a PDA and transfer data records from Cubetape:
Power up the PDA
Ensure that Bluetooth is turned on
Power up the Cubetape
Select Cubetape sample from the PDA start menu or menu bar
To pair the devices scan the barcode on Cubetape, or select Search and select the
Cubetape mac address
Data collection screen will load in a few seconds while devices are now paired
Item and dimensional data can be collected on Cubetape and transferred to the PDA
Current item data will be displayed on the current item tab and all data for this
session will be displayed on All Data tab.