Locate 4 pieces of Upper Supports and 4 pieces of Lower Supports.
Slide 1 - Mesh Guard Connector over bottom end of Upper Support,
then screw Upper Support onto Lower Support (Note: Mesh Guard
Connector will remain loose and able to slide on the supports.)
Repeat with remaining Upper and Lower Supports and Mesh Guard
Connectors until you have 4 assembled Supports.
Hardware Used
: 4 x D, Mesh Guard Connector
Attach the assembled Supports to the Tank Housing/Base Assembly.
Screw the assembled Supports into the holes located on the top of the
Tank Housing/Base Assembly
: Make sure to use the short threaded end
located on the bottom of the Lower Support for attaching the Supports to the
Tank Housing/Base Assembly. The long threaded end on the Upper Support will be
needed to allow for attachment of Emitter and Reflector. (Mesh Guard Connectors
should rest on the top of Tank Housing after you attach the Supports to the Tank.