Thank you for purchasing the PD-200 Electric Delivery Bed.
This instruction manual describes precautions and how to safely use
and operate the bed.
Before using this bed, please read this instruction manual
to fully understand the safe and proper operating procedures.
The correct operating procedures should be explained not
only to the persons using the bed but also to caregivers.
After reading this instruction manual, store it where it can be
easily accessed for later reference.
Users and/or carers are requested to report information about any
serious incident related to this bed that occurs within the EU to the
manufacturer and the regulating authority of the member country
of residence. 'Serious incident' means any incident that directly or
indirectly led, might have led or might lead
to any the following :
a) The death of a user, carer or other person.
b) The temporary or permanent serious deterioration of a user's,
carer's or other person's state of health.
c) A serious public health threat.
The actual product purchased may differ from detailed
descriptions given in this instruction manual due to
product improvements.
Values in the specification such as working range, dimensions,
angles and mass are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances.
Besides some exemptions, display purpose words such
as“approximately”, “about” etc. are omitted.
For convenience, the term ''patient'' indicates ''pregnant woman''
in this instruction manual.
For any queries, please feel free to contact your dealer directly.