You will see 4 large screws on the back of the Kiln
Sitter. Label the wires attached to the screws.
Remove the wires.
Using a nut driver, remove the four nuts holding
the porcelain contact block together. Note: The
screws may fall out the front of the Kiln Sitter un-
less you hold them in place while you remove the
nuts. Or place a piece of tape over the Kiln Sitter
front to hold the screws.
After removing the four nuts, lift the porcelain
switch block out. You will find four nylon washers
under the porcelain switch block. Do not lose
these, or the contacts will no longer be parallel.
Clean the con-
tacts with a soft
pencil eraser. Do
not use sandpa-
per, which de-
stroys the coating
on the contacts.
This can later
cause the con-
tacts to stick to-
overfire the kiln.
If the contacts are pitted and burned, replace the
contact block assembly.
While you are working inside the Kiln Sit-
ter, check the condition of the wires that are at-
tached to the contact block. Replace brittle wires.
Wipe the pencil eraser particles and dirt from the
contacts. Reassemble the Kiln Sitter making sure
all the washers are back where they belong.
Arrange the wires inside the switch box so that
when the Kiln Sitter is in place, no wire is touching
the kiln case or Kiln Sitter porcelain tube. Rein-
stall the switch box.
Replacing an Infinite
Control Switch or
Look at your wiring diagram to see which elements are
controlled by each switch. (You can download the kiln's
wiring diagram at www.paragonweb.com. Select Support,
then Kiln Wiring Diagrams from the drop menu.) If the
elements to a particular switch are not firing, check those
elements and the wiring to the switch. (See the kiln main-
tenance section of “Paragon Ceramic Kiln Instruction &
Service Manual” to check an element.) If the wiring and
elements are good, replace the switch.
If push-on terminals do not have a snug fit,
gently squeeze the end of the terminal with pli-