Before closing the lid, shine a flashlight down
into the kiln to check the cone and actuating rod
one last time. Position the shelves so that they do
not block the view of the Kiln Sitter cone from
Do not allow a piece of glazed ware to ex-
tend past a shelf and over the Kiln Sitter cone. If
the glaze drips from the ware onto the cone and
actuating rod, the cone could harden, fail to bend,
and overfire the kiln.
Summary of Kiln Sitter
Turn the kiln switch(es) to the OFF position.
Clean off old kiln wash from the cone supports
and rod and apply new before each firing.
Check that the sensing rod moves freely and is
centered in the tube. Check that the weight falls
when you lift the release claw.
Raise the weight and lower the release claw over
the trigger.
Check that the number on the small pyrometric
cone is correct. Place the cone under the actuat-
ing rod and on top of the cone supports.
Load the kiln; place pyrometric cones behind
each peephole.
Set the Limit Timer dial to the estimated firing
time plus 30 minutes.
Push in the plunger.
Never leave the Kiln Sitter unattended during fir-
ing. Though it shuts off the kiln automatically, it
still needs the operator's attention.
Kiln Shuts Off Too Soon or Too Late
Adjust the Kiln Sitter as shown on pages 5 - 6.
Kiln Sitter Shuts Off Before Witness Cones Bend
Raise the weight.
Press in the plunger.
Gently lower the weight.
WARNING: This puts the kiln on MANUAL CON-
TROL and prevents the Kiln Sitter from cutting off auto-
matically. When large witness cones bend, turn the kiln
switch(es) to the OFF position. Then trip the Kiln Sitter
by raising the weight and dropping.
Before the next firing, use the firing gauge to
check the adjustment of the Kiln Sitter trigger
(see page 6). See also "Selecting Cones for the
Kiln Sitter," page 9.
Witness Cones Bend Before Kiln Sitter Shuts Off
Turn the kiln switch(es) to the OFF position.
After the kiln has cooled, compare the small cone
in the Kiln Sitter with the witness cones on the
shelves. Determine if the small cone bent almost
to the cut off point. In most cases, firing a few
minutes longer with the Kiln Sitter cutting itself
off would have no adverse effect on the ware.
However, avoid overfiring glass, reds, and porce-
See "Selecting Cones for the Kiln Sitter," page 9.
Points To Remember
DO adjust the guide plate if the rod does not fall freely
to the bottom of the oblong slot.
DO leave clearance inside the kiln around the actuat-
ing rod.
DO check the Kiln Sitter with pyrometric witness
DO place the Kiln Sitter cone in the same position
each time for the same firing results.
DO use a hotter cone for a hotter firing.
Check the Kiln Sitter cone with a flash light before
closing the lid and firing the kiln.
Set the Limit Timer.
Push in the plunger.