LED Indicators
Table 3. TIM1500 LEDs
PWR (Power)
Solid Green
TIM1500 is operational
If the Power LED is not illuminated, it is
unlikely the TIM1500 is receiving power.
None of the LEDs will be illuminated.
LK (Link)
Pulsing Green*
A pulsing LED blinks steadily at a rate of once per second. A flashing LED blinks at a more rapid,
less constant rate.
T1 connection is established
and active
The T1 link is operational and traffic is
Solid Green
Problematic T1 connection
A connection exists but there is indication of a
problem with the T1 line.
No Illumination
Red Alarm – The incoming
connection to the T1 port
has been lost; no data is
being received.
If the outgoing connection from the T1 port
has also been lost, then the remote T1
modem will be in a Red Alarm state as well.
RX (Reception)
Flashing Amber*
T1 activity
The port is receiving data from the remote T1
Solid Amber
Heavy Rx traffic
The port is receiving unusually large amounts
of data from the remote T1 modem.
No Illumination
No activity
A link may exist but the port is not receiving
any data from the remote T1 modem.
Flashing Amber*
T1 activity
The port is transmitting data to the remote T1
Solid Amber
Heavy Tx traffic
The port is transmitting unusually large
amounts of data to the remote T1 modem.
No Illumination
No activity
A link may exist but the port is not transmitting
any data to the remote T1 modem.
AL (Alarm)
No Illumination
T1 is operational
An established T1 link has no alarm
indications and is operational UNLESS the LK
LED remains unlit as well, in which case the
T1 port is in a Red Alarm state.
Solid Amber
Yellow Alarm – An outgoing
connection has been lost;
the remote T1 modem is not
receiving any data from the
T1 port.
The remote T1 modem has lost its incoming
connection and is in a Red Alarm state.
Pulsing Amber*
Blue Alarm – An indirect
connection has been lost;
the T1 port may no longer
be receiving data from the
remote T1 modem.
The remote T1 modem has lost a connection
with an intermediate device and is in a Red or
Yellow Alarm state.