Entering Time Slot Assignments (9124 Only)
Assigning Time Slots (9124) in Chapter 9, Configuration Options, of the User’s
Guide to read more about assigning time slots.
Time slots must be entered for the network interface.
1. If using the DSX-1 interface, select DSX-1 from the Configuration Edit/Display menu
and enable Interface Status.
2. Press Esc to return to the Configuration Edit/Display menu.
3. Select Time Slot Assignment from the Configuration Edit/Display menu.
4. If using the DSX-1 interface, map the desired time slots to the DSX-1 interface.
– Press the appropriate arrow or Tab key to position the cursor below the network
interface time slot number that will be assigned to the DSX-1 interface.
– Press the spacebar until the appropriate DSX-1 channel is displayed.
Helpful Hint:
All unconnected DSX-1 channels will appear for assignment, starting with the
lowest numbered one.
Press the spacebar to advance to the next available channel, then to
Unassgnd, then FrameRly. Press the spacebar again to wrap to the lowest
numbered DSX-1 channel, and the sequence repeats itself.
– Move onto the next time slot until all the desired time slots have been assigned to
a DSX-1 channel.
5. Press Ctrl-a to move the cursor to the bottom of the screen, type s (Save), and
press Enter. The Save Configuration To: prompt appears.
6. Select Current Configuration and press Enter.
7. Press Esc twice to return to the Configuration Edit/Display menu.
Proceed to
Setting Up for Management on page 10.