13. COMM serial port 1
Connects to coin dispensers, remote customer displays, remote order
displays, EFT devices, printers, and other serial devices.
14. Printer port
Connects to a cable from a printer—A Centronics-compatible.
15. LAN receptacle
Connects to a LAN cable.
16. COMM serial port 4
Connects to coin dispensers, remote customer displays, remote order
displays, EFT devices, printers, and other serial devices.
17. Status lights
Provide troubleshooting information to service personnel. (KVS, HDD,
Power, Status).
18. COMM serial port 7
Connects to coin dispensers, remote customer displays, remote order
displays, EFT devices, printers, and other serial devices.
19. COMM serial port 2
Connects to coin dispensers, remote customer displays, remote order
displays, EFT devices, printers, and other serial devices.
20. COMM serial port 3
Connects to coin dispensers, remote customer displays, remote order
displays, EFT devices, printers, and other serial devices.
21. Keyboard receptacle
Allows connection of a PC keyboard (mini DIN).
22. MSR
Magnetic strip reader.
23. Cash drawer receptacle
Connect to the cables from up to two cash drawers.
24. Remote video receptacle
Connects to the cable from the remote video controller.
25. USB connectors
(Universal serial bus) Connect to other devices like coin dispensers or