Set „Program“ switch on front panel to „OFF“.
a. maximum limit:
Use manual control switch to select the sledge height that will serve
as limit point. Press the key marked “GRF” and additionally press
2x “STF”. The blinking of red LED confirms the storage. The limit is
active. Press “GRF” and additionally 1x “STF” to switch the limit in to
the passive (off) mode. Press again “GRF” and additionally 1x “STF”
to switch the limit again in to the active (on) mode.
b. minimum limit:
Use “STM” instead of “STF” key and follow instruction as discribed
under a). The green LED is blinking as confirmation for storage.
a limit can be set active (on) even if the sledge position is outside the
limit area.
Only a passive (off) setted limit can be overwritten
Positions/limits will remain in the memory even if the Tower is turned