The actuator to your motor li is designed for safe boa ng use. However, because of its precision design, it
is equipped with a “breather tube” to allow the actuator to have full up and down func on. The breather
be mounted in a way to prevent water intake. The best loca on for this is under the hood of the
1. Remove the cover from the outboard motor
2. Insert the breather tube through an exis ng opening in the base of the motor, or if necessary, drill a
3/8 inch hole for access.
3. Making sure there is plenty of slack in the tube to allow for full movement of the motor, a ach the
breather tube inside the motor compartment in a loca on that will not be affected by moving engine
parts. Use cable es to insure that the end of the tube stays high up in the compartment to prevent
accidental water intake. The tube
be installed so that no water can get inside the breather