Quik & Quik GT450 Aircraft Operating Instructions
March 2007
Issue 1
Page 42 of 68
The minimum trim speed should not be lower than 45 mph at solo loading and the pitch control should feel
very stable and damped at this setting.
It is not desirable to trim slower than 55mph (88km/h) when on approach or when climbing from takeoff as
the roll control becomes more delayed and the chances of getting gust stalled are greater.
If the wing still has a slow trim speed after tuning, and it has flown more than, say, 250 hours, then the
probability is that the outer (rear) leading edge tubes have developed a “set”, an inwards bend that slackens
the tension along the trailing edge. This is not a problem in itself, but if the trim speed is unacceptable then
the only answer in this case is to replace the pair of outer leading edges. Maximum tolerance on straightness
is L/600.
If the minimum trim speed rises above 60mph, solo, with the electric trimmer, then the bungee may need
replacing. See maintenance section.
Roll response
Roll response should not exceed 3 seconds at 60mph to reverse a 30 degree bank at a control force of 15kg.
In addition, the response to very small inputs of 1-2kg should be good so that it is possible to fly through
moderate turbulence with one hand on the bar.
If the roll response is unsatisfactory, firstly check that the main roll bearing and associated control frame top
joints are all moving smoothly. A silicone aerosol spray on the hang point bearings and also on the battens
will help.
The fore and aft rigging should not be too tight. If necessary adjust the tensioner on the rear top wire, but
always leave at least 10mm of thread in the barrel and ensure that the locknut is tight.
Those operators who wish to tune the Quik or GT450 wing should contact a P&M Aviation agency
for additional advice. Before any tuning is attempted, a careful and thorough check of the airframe
is essential. A sudden indication that the wing requires tuning may be the result of damage caused
in an unreported accident or from a heavy landing. Unless your are an experienced flexwing pilot,
you should ask your Instructor/Dealer or Inspector to assist with all tuning operations and have
him/her carry out the flight tests.