Turns on when duty cycle is excessive or flow for the water cooled torch is insufficient. It is reset when
a flow of specified value or more is supplied.
Turns on when the temperature of welding power source is too high.
7. Input volt warning lamp
Turns on when input voltage is unusual (excessive, too low or be short of phase).
8. A-V display switch
Control the display of the digital meter
9. Digital meter
Display current or voltage at digital meter.
10. Pulsation switch
TIG welding and pulse TIG welding are switched over by this switch and selection between low (0.5-
25 Hz) and middle pulse (10- 500 Hz) is conducted at pulse TIG welding.
11. Arc drive current adjustor
Arc drive current is controlled by this adjustor at “STICK” welding.
12. Initial current adjustor
Initial current is adjusted when crater control of TIG welding is “ON” or “Repeat”.
13. Welding current adjustor
Welding current is adjusted.
14. Crater current adjustor
Crater current is adjusted when crater control of TIG welding is “ON” or “Repeat”.
15. Welding process switch
Set this switch at “TIG” when performing DC TIG welding, Set this switch at “STICK” when performing
DC stick welding,
16. Pulse current adjustor
Pulse current is adjusted for pulse TIG welding.
17. Pulse frequency adjustor
Pulse frequency is adjusted for pulse TIG welding.
18. Pulse width adjustor
Pulse width is adjusted for pulse TIG welding.
19. Upslope timer
Conversion time from initial current to welding current is adjusted for TIG welding .
20. Down-slope timer
Conversion time from welding current to crater current is adjusted for TIG welding.
21. Gas post-flow timer
Post-flow time is adjusted after TIG welding.
22. Spot-time adjustor
Spot-time is adjusted for sport TIG welding.
23. Welding select switch
Welding type, spot-continuously welding, is selected according to the torch in use.