Event function
The recorder will take an event action when any of the following events occur.
Terminal alarm:
An event when an alarm input signal is supplied from an external device such as a
door sensor to the alarm input terminal on the rear of the recorder.
Camera site alarm:
An event when an alarm (camera terminal alarm, etc.) is detected by a camera.
Command alarm:
An alarm when receiving an alarm from a PC, etc. via a network.
Face matching alarm: Alarm issued when a face contained in a live image matches an already registered
facial image.
Face matching alarm does not apply event recording.
Refer to the Operating Instructions of the Additional Business Intelligence Kit for further information about
the setting conditions or restrictions of the face matching function. Face matching alarm is available only
when the face matching function has been configured for use.
Action to be taken upon an event occurrence
When the recorder recognizes an event, it will take an event action according to the set action mode.
Event action mode
In the event modes shown below, the recorder takes one of the following event actions when an event occurs.
The event action mode can be configured on the setup menu. (
Page 45)
Recording & alarm action:
Performs all event actions according to the settings. ("A" in the following table)
Recording only:
Performs only recording, filing alarm logs, and moving to camera presets. ("B" in the
following table)
Alarm action:
Performs only alarm actions according to the settings. ("C" in the following table)
Files only alarm logs. ("D" in the following table)
* "Alarm action" can be selected only for the face matching alarm.
A different event action will be taken depending on the selected event action mode. Refer to a system adminis-
trator for further information.
Event action
Start event recording
Recording will start according to the recording
duration configured on the setup menu.
Define pre-event recording
Camera images recorded before an event occurs can
be associated with the event and saved on the hard
Alarm action
Move the camera to the
preset position
Move the camera to the preset position registered in
Blink the alarm indicator
The alarm indicator on the front panel will start