Panasonic Electric Works Nordic AB
MEW01228 Rev: 1
Operating Instructions Web512 V2.6.x for Web-server II 1598
This document describes
Web512 V2.6.x for Web-server II 1598
Web-server II 1598 is the hardware.
The functions are depending on which software that is downloaded to
the Web-server II.
The functions are also depending on which configuration data that is
created and downloaded to the Web-server II.
The software (Web512) is downloaded at the same time as the
configuration data to the Web-server II via a Config Tool (a PC
The Config Tool is depending on the EBL system and the EBL
software version.
This document describes the following software:
Web512 V2.6.x for Web-server II 1598
To create the configuration data and to download it as well as the
software to the Web-server II, the following Config Tool shall be
Web512 II Config Tool V2.6.x
The Web-server II is used when one EBL512 control unit or an
EBL512 system with two or more control units shall be connected to
Internet / an intranet (LAN) and/or as a Gateway, as follows:
For presentation of the EBL512 status in a PC (web browser).
For remote control of the EBL512 (via encrypted and safe two-
way communication).
As an e-mail client.
As a Gateway.
The Web-server II 1598 has replaced the Web-server 1588, which is
no longer manufactured. The Config Tools for Web-server 1588
cannot be used for Web-server II 1598. Config tools for Web-server
II 1598 have to be used, e.g.
Web512 II Config Tool V2.6.x