This technical guide was prepared with the following objectives in mind:
Provide the servicer with a brief overview of the concepts of operation for new
circuits employed in this line of models
Provide drawings with emphasis on the signal path to simplify the task of signal
tracing and to locate the cause of a defect
Furnish troubleshooting procedures that contribute to a expeditious repair of the
Provide examples of typical problems that may have occurred in similar types of
Provide updated information about changes reflected in the newer versions of LCD
High Definition TVs. The TC-22LR30 LCD TV /DVD Ram combo is basically a TC-
26/32LX20 model with the addition of a DVD Ram.
The DVD Recorder that has been incorporated in the LCD TV High Definition Combo
unit is basically the same as that of the DMR-E65.The equipment used for servicing the
DMR-E65 is same as the one used for servicing this model’s DVD-RAM Drive .The only
difference is that the DVD Recorder (DMR) has been downsized to a physically smaller