AP Board - Secondary Power
The Secondary power supply is responsible for producing the various voltages that are
required to power the DG board, the A board, the DVD unit and the LCD Panel VCC.
These voltages appear on connectors PAP2, PAP5 and PAP6.
The 15V supplied from the P Board Connector PAP4 is converted to the
MAIN 12V, which supplies this voltage to the Audio AMP Circuitry located on
the A board.
When a MAIN_ON signal (3.3V) from Pin 69 of Microcontroller (IC1106) is
issued to this board to turn off the Main power (MAIN 12V, 9V, 3.3V, 2.5V),
the MAIN_ON signal is converted to MAIN_ON_ACT to turn off Regulators
(IC801, IC806, Q801, Q803) which in turn terminates the Main power.
During normal operation the MAIN_ON_ACT signal (L) provides an enable to regulators
IC801, IC806, Q801, and Q803, which provides for the appropriate output of the Main
AP Board Secondary Power Supply TC - 22LR30
Figure 13