Available commands are listed below.
N Show the next page.
Press "N." The screen shows the next page.
P Show the previous page.
Press "P." The screen shows the previous page.
R Set the IPv6 Reachable time of NDP table.
Press "R." The command prompt changes to " Enter NDP reachable time value>."
Enter the IPv6 Reachable time of NDP table with a value of 30 to 86400 (seconds).
T Set the IPv6 Stale time of NDP table.
Press "T." The command prompt changes to " Enter NDP stale time value>." Enter
the IPv6 Stale time of NDP table with a value of 0 to 86400 (seconds).
A Add/modify an entry of NDP table.
Press "A." The command prompt changes to "Enter IPv6 address>." Enter an IPv6
address. Then, the command prompt changes to "Enter Hardware address>." Enter
a MAC address as "**:**:**:**:**:**".
D Delete an entry of NDP table.
Press "D." The command prompt changes to "Enter IPv6 address>." Enter an IPv6
S Select the order of displaying NDP table.
Press "S." The command prompt changes to " Select method for sorting entry to
display (I/M/D/S) >." Press "I" to display in the order of IPv6 address. Press "M" to
display in the order of MAC address. Press "D" to display auto-leaned addresses.
Press "S" to display manually-set addresses.
Q Return to the previous menu.