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2.1 Wiring Diagram
Glass tape
size 40 X 85 mm
Shall be
closely covered with
tube to the bottom
Body earth lead wire (Green)
PCB lead wire A (White)
Thermal fuse lead wire B (Orange)
The glass tape affixes it from a
top and bottom direction, and
make it sealing up structure.
Impossible power do not be
added to a terminal joint.
5mm, or more
(Tape sealing area)
PCB lead wire B (Black)
Glass tape shall be
wraped around PCB
Thermistor lead wire (Red)
(Twisting 1 time)
Thermostat earth lead wire (Green)
Detail 2 : 1
Thermistor lead wire (Red)
Side heater lead wire A (Blue)
- Twisted vinyly tie 2 times.
- White, blue and black lead wire shall
not over lap PCB base boss.
- This blue wire shall be align in this portion.
Side heater lead wire D (White)
Side heater lead wire C (White)
Side heater lead wire B (Blue)
Terminal shall not be higher
than head of sems screw.
Side heater lead wire C (Black)
PCB lead wireC (Red)
Side heater lead wire D (Red)
Hinge earth lead wire (Green)
Tapping screw for body earth lead wire
Should be above Thermal fuse
lead wire A and then gose below
terminal of side heater lead wire D
Stamping earth
mark on PF.
5mm (around)
- Twisted vinyly tie 2 times.
- All lead wire must not touch Cast heater terminal.
Thermal fuse
lead wire A (Black)
Thermostat earth lead wire (Green)
After twisted 2 times,
wind down this direction.
(Shall not touch Cast heater)
Vinyly tie
Lead wire
The clearance distance between terminal
& sems screw to other dead metal part
(Protecting frame, Cast heater pipe)
Should minimum 3.6 mm. (Any direction)
After inspection, screw head must be
mark with marker.
1. Tightening torque of tapping screw for body earth lead wire and
sems screw for internal wiring : 60 ~ 120N - m
2. Each lead wire shall not contacting with sharp edges, moving parts,
high temperation portion.
3. All lead wire must not be hurt during assembly when apply 2N force.
Body earth lead wire
Thermal fuse lead wire B (Orange)
PCB lead wire A (White)