4.6.3.j. SNMP Group Configuration
On the SNMP Extend Configuration Menu, pressing "G" opens the SNMP
Group Configuration Menu, as shown in Fig. 4-6-15. On this screen, you can
configure the SNMP Group settings.
Fig. 4-6-15 SNMP Group Configuration
Screen Description
Total Entry
Shows the number of SNMP Group.
Group Name
Shows the SNMP Group name.
Shows the SNMP version.
Shows the SNMP security level.
PN28160i Local Management System
SNMP Extend Configuration Menu -> SNMP Group Configuration Menu
Total Entry : 5
Group Name Ver. Level
-------------------------------- ---- --------------
public v1 NoAuth/NoPriv
public v2c NoAuth/NoPriv
initial v3 NoAuth/NoPriv
private v1 NoAuth/NoPriv
private v2c NoAuth/NoPriv
-------------------------------- <COMMAND> -----------------------------------
[N]ext Page [C]reate SNMP Group M[o]dify SNMP Group
Pre[v]ious Page [D]elete SNMP Group [M]ore Group Info.
[Q]uit to previous menu
Enter the character in square brackets to select option