4.7.2.b. Link Aggregation Menu
On the Advanced Switch Configuration Menu, pressing "L" opens the Trunk
Configuration Menu, as shown in Fig. 4-7-6. On this screen, you can
configure Link Aggregation settings.
Fig. 4-7-6 Link Aggregation Menu
Screen Description
Shows the group number of trunking.
Shows the status of each group.
Link Aggregation is enabled.
Link Aggregation is disabled.
Port Members
Shows the list of target ports in the group.
Available commands are listed below.
A Add a port to a group member.
Press "A." The command prompt changes to "Enter trunk group number>." Enter a
target group number with a value of 1 to 8. Then, the command prompt changes
to "Enter port members for group x>." Enter a port number to be added.
When entering multiple port numbers, delimit with comma with no space, or
hyphenate the continuous numbers.
R Delete a group.
Press "R." The command prompt changes to "Enter trunk group number>." Enter a
target group number with a value of 1 to 8.
Q Return to the previous menu.
PN28160i Local Management System
Advanced Switch Configuration -> Link Aggregation Menu
Group Status Port Members
----- -------- -------------------------------
1 Disabled
2 Disabled
3 Disabled
4 Disabled
5 Disabled
6 Disabled
7 Disabled
8 Disabled
-------------------------------- <COMMAND> -----------------------------------
[A]dd Trunk Group
[R]emove Trunk Group
[Q]uit to previous menu
Enter the character in square brackets to select option